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Certificate of Capacity

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Certificate of Capacity

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident and have lodged a CTP Claim or if you have had an injury at work and have lodged a WorkCover claim, one of the first things you need to do is obtain a certificate of capacity from your GP. This is one of the most important documents in your CTP and WorkCover claims as it sets the rules of what you can and can’t do. This documents can only be provided by your GP. Your GP will use their medical knowledge and rely on experts such as Specialists, scan results and Physiotherapy reports when filling in information on the certificate of capacity. The  certificate of capacity needs to outline your physical and psychological injuries sustained, along with any treatment needs including radiological investigations.

What is it?

In NSW, the medical certificate pertaining to a WorkCover or CTP claim is known as a Certificate of Capacity or Certificate of Fitness.  Most GP’s and hospitals have copies of the certificate, however its worth remembering that you can also obtain a copy from the State Insurance Regulatory Authority website (SIRA). It is important that you see your General Practitioner within 12 weeks of a motor vehicle accident to get a medical certificate which details your treatment needs and time absent from work.

While obtaining a certificate of capacity may seem like an inconvenience, it is actually a crucial part of your claim. Without it, the CTP or WorkCover insurer is unable to determine whether you can return to work, what your rehabilitation needs are and how your injury recovery is progressing.

Certificate of Capacity for CTP Claims:

You need to provide the CTP insurer with a certificate of capacity outlining your injuries, disabilities and capacity for work. The CTP insurer will need your initial certificate of capacity at the time the claim is submitted.  The claim form is also known as an ‘Application for Personal Injury Benefits’. The CTP insurer will require an updated medical certificate every 28 days to consider how your rehabilitation is progressing.  In some circumstances where injuries are severe the timeframe for repeat medical certificates can be limited to every 3 months. Failure to provide the CTP insurer with certificate of capacity may result in your statutory benefits being suspended.

Who completes the Certificate of Capacity?

In most circumstances your General Practitioner (GP) will complete the medical certificate. Your General Practitioner will diagnose your injuries, outline the treatment required and comment on whether you are fit to return to work. This process is continually undertaken throughout the duration of your CTP claim. A common mistake frequently made when obtaining a certificate of capacity is only reporting your most serious injuries. The certificate of capacity should outline all injury sustained in the accident. It is important the insurer knows about every injury so that they can create a rehabilitation plan unique to your particular circumstances.

Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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Shoulder Pain after a Car Accident

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Shoulder Pain after a Car Accident

Experiencing shoulder pain after a car accident is not uncommon, as the impact and forces involved in a collision can cause various injuries to the shoulder complex. The shoulder joint is highly mobile but relatively unstable, making it susceptible to injuries such as strains, sprains, dislocations, fractures, and rotator cuff tears. If you are experiencing shoulder pain after a car accident, it is important to seek medical attention and consult with your GP and Physiotherapist. Your Physiotherapist can provide a thorough evaluation and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Here are some potential causes of shoulder pain after a car accident and the possible treatments that a healthcare professional may recommend:

  1. Soft Tissue Injuries: The soft tissues surrounding the shoulder joint, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments, can be affected by a car accident. Strains or sprains can occur due to sudden jerking or impact. Physiotherapy treatment for soft tissue injuries may include pain management techniques, such as ice or heat therapy, gentle range-of-motion exercises, strengthening exercises, and manual therapy techniques like soft tissue massage or joint mobilization. The aim is to reduce pain, improve mobility, and restore normal shoulder function.
  2. Rotator Cuff Injuries: The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that help stabilize and move the shoulder joint. It can be damaged in a car accident due to the sudden impact or excessive force on the shoulder. Treatment for rotator cuff injuries may involve a combination of conservative measures, such as rest, ice, and pain management techniques, as well as specific exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles and restore shoulder function. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary, followed by post-operative rehabilitation with the guidance of a physiotherapist.
  3. Shoulder Dislocation: A car accident can cause the shoulder to dislocate, which means the upper arm bone (humerus) pops out of its socket. Treatment for shoulder dislocation may involve reducing the dislocation, immobilizing the shoulder joint with a sling or brace, pain management techniques, and a progressive rehabilitation program that includes strengthening exercises and shoulder stability training.
  4. Fractures: The shoulder can sustain fractures in car accidents, such as a clavicle (collarbone) fracture or a proximal humerus fracture. Treatment depends on the type and severity of the fracture and may involve immobilization with a sling, cast, or surgical fixation. Physiotherapy will play a role in the rehabilitation process, including exercises to restore range of motion, strengthen surrounding muscles, and facilitate healing.
  5. Rehabilitation and Preventive Measures: Regardless of the specific injury, rehabilitation is a crucial aspect of shoulder pain management after a car accident. Physiotherapists can design a comprehensive rehabilitation program tailored to the individual’s needs and goals. This may include a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises, range-of-motion exercises, manual therapy techniques, and functional activities to restore normal shoulder function and prevent future issues.

It is important to work closely with a Physiotherapist to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of shoulder pain after a car accident and develop an individualized treatment plan. Early intervention, appropriate management, and adherence to the recommended rehabilitation program can help alleviate pain, restore shoulder function, and improve overall quality of life.

How to Lodge your CTP Claim:

  • All reasonable medical care is covered under your CTP Claim
  • Visit your doctor as soon as possible
  • Contact your CTP insurance provider within 28 days
  • Fill our paper work
  • Your doctor will also need to fill out a form
  • Receive claim number from your CTP insurance provider

Car Accident Physiotherapy Parramatta

  • With your claim number, your first Physiotherapy session is automatically approved
  • After your first session, your Physiotherapist will provide a report to your CTP insurer and organise further approval for treatment
  • Don’t stress – talk to your experienced Physiotherapist

Do I have to pay for treatment?

  • No you don’t
  • Once your CTP claim is approved, we can directly bill the insurance company and there will no out of pocket expense for you

What you need to provide us with:

  1. Claim number from your insurance company required
  2. Approval letter or email for Physiotherapy from the insurance company
  3. Contact Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta. We will assist you with pain management and get you back on track as soon as possible.

Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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Sciatica after a car accident

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Sciatica after a car accident

Sciatica refers to the pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back, through the buttocks, and down the back of each leg. While sciatica is commonly associated with conditions like herniated discs or spinal stenosis, it can also occur after a car accident. The impact and forces involved in a collision can result in injuries or trauma to the spine and surrounding structures, leading to sciatic nerve compression or irritation. If you are experiencing sciatica after a car accident, it is important to seek medical attention and consult with a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist or chiropractor, who can provide a thorough evaluation and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Here are some potential causes of sciatica after a car accident and the possible treatments that a healthcare professional may recommend:

  1. Herniated Disc: A car accident can cause a sudden jolt or impact that results in a herniated disc. When a disc herniates, it can press against the sciatic nerve, causing pain, numbness, and tingling sensations down the leg. Treatment options may include pain management techniques (such as heat or ice therapy), specific exercises to alleviate pressure on the nerve, manual therapy (such as spinal mobilization or traction), and education on proper body mechanics and postural habits.
  2. Lumbar Spine Fracture: In some cases, the impact from a car accident can cause fractures in the lumbar spine (lower back). These fractures can lead to compression of the sciatic nerve roots, resulting in sciatica. Treatment may involve immobilization with a brace or cast, pain management strategies, and a gradual progression of exercises and physical therapy once the fracture begins to heal.
  3. Piriformis Syndrome: The piriformis muscle is located in the buttock area, and the sciatic nerve runs underneath or sometimes through it. After a car accident, the piriformis muscle can become tight or inflamed, leading to compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. Treatment for piriformis syndrome may include stretching exercises, manual therapy to release muscle tension, and strengthening exercises to promote proper muscle balance and stability.
  4. Spinal Misalignment: The impact of a car accident can cause misalignment or subluxation of the spine, particularly in the lumbar region. This misalignment can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and result in sciatica symptoms. Treatment may involve spinal adjustments performed by a chiropractor, physiotherapy exercises to improve spinal stability and alignment, and postural correction techniques.
  5. Rehabilitation and Pain Management: Regardless of the specific cause of sciatica after a car accident, rehabilitation and pain management strategies are crucial components of treatment. A healthcare professional may recommend a combination of physical therapy exercises, such as stretching and strengthening exercises targeted at the affected areas, to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and improve mobility. Additionally, they may suggest modalities like heat or cold therapy, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound to manage pain and promote healing.

It is important to consult with your GP and Physiotherapist who specializes in treating sciatica and related conditions to receive a proper diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan. They will assess your specific condition, consider the underlying causes, and design a personalized treatment approach to help alleviate sciatica symptoms, promote healing, and restore your overall musculoskeletal health.

How to Lodge your CTP Claim:

  • All reasonable medical care is covered under your CTP Claim
  • Visit your doctor as soon as possible
  • Contact your CTP insurance provider within 28 days
  • Fill our paper work
  • Your doctor will also need to fill out a form
  • Receive claim number from your CTP insurance provider

Car Accident Physiotherapy Parramatta

  • With your claim number, your first Physiotherapy session is automatically approved
  • After your first session, your Physiotherapist will provide a report to your CTP insurer and organise further approval for treatment
  • Don’t stress – talk to your experienced Physiotherapist

Do I have to pay for treatment?

  • No you don’t
  • Once your CTP claim is approved, we can directly bill the insurance company and there will no out of pocket expense for you

What you need to provide us with:

  1. Claim number from your insurance company required
  2. Approval letter or email for Physiotherapy from the insurance company
  3. Contact Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta. We will assist you with pain management and get you back on track as soon as possible.

Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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Whiplash Treatment

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Whiplash Treatment

Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs when the head is suddenly jerked backward and then forward, causing the neck to undergo rapid acceleration and deceleration. It is one of the most common injury resulting from a car accident. If you suspect you have whiplash following a car accident, it is important to see your GP as soon as possible after the car accident. Your GP will give you a proper diagnosis and appropriate course of treatment which will include scans such as X-rays and MRI scans and Physiotherapy.

Treatment for whiplash typically involves a combination of the following:

  • Rest: It’s important to rest your neck and avoid activities that worsen your symptoms, especially in the first few days after the injury.
  • Pain medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe stronger pain medications.
  • Ice and heat therapy: Applying ice packs to the affected area for the first few days can help reduce swelling. Afterward, heat therapy, such as warm compresses or heating pads, may help relax the muscles and improve blood flow.
  • Physiotherapy: Your doctor will recommend you to start Physiotherapy under the CTP scheme as soon as possible. Physiotherapy will include manual therapy, exercises to improve neck strength and range of motion and various other techniques. These exercises may include gentle stretching, strengthening exercises, and posture training. A Physiotherapist can guide you through the appropriate exercises.
  • Neck immobilization: In some cases, your doctor or Physiotherapist may suggest wearing a cervical collar or neck brace to immobilize your neck temporarily. This is typically recommended for severe cases or if there is concern about additional damage.
  • It is important to follow your GP’s instructions and attend all recommended appointments to ensure proper healing. Every individual is different, and the severity of whiplash can vary, so treatment plans may differ based on individual circumstances. If you have any concerns or questions, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice.


Car Accident Physiotherapy

Whiplash Treatment Parramatta

CTP Insurance Physiotherapy Claims

What to do after a car accident

Physiotherapy After A Car Accident

I Was Injured in a Car Accident. Do I Need to see a Physio?

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Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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Knee pain after a Car accident

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Knee Pain After A Car Accident

Experiencing knee pain after a car accident is not uncommon, as the knee joint can sustain various injuries due to the impact and forces involved in a collision. The knee is a complex joint that is vulnerable to conditions such as ligament sprains, meniscus tears, fractures, and contusions. If you are experiencing knee pain after a car accident, it is important to seek medical attention and consult with your GP and Physiotherapist. Your GP or Physiotherapist may also recommend you see an Orthopeadic specialist, who can provide a thorough evaluation and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Here are some possible causes of knee pain after a car accident and potential treatments that a physiotherapist may recommend:

  1. Ligament Injuries: The knee has several ligaments that can be damaged in a car accident, such as the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). Ligament injuries often result from sudden twisting or direct impact. Physiotherapy treatment for ligament injuries may involve a combination of pain management techniques (e.g., ice, electrical stimulation), exercises to restore stability and strength, and gradual progression of activities to improve functional abilities. In some cases, surgery may be required, and physiotherapy plays a crucial role in the post-operative rehabilitation process.
  2. Meniscus Tears: The menisci are cartilage pads in the knee joint that can tear during a car accident. Meniscus tears can cause pain, swelling, and limited knee movement. Physiotherapy treatment may include exercises to improve range of motion, strengthen the surrounding muscles, and enhance knee stability. In some cases, if the tear is severe or fails to respond to conservative treatment, surgical intervention may be necessary, followed by physiotherapy for rehabilitation.
  3. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: This condition involves pain at the front of the knee, around the kneecap (patella). It can occur due to direct trauma or altered mechanics after a car accident. Physiotherapy treatment for patellofemoral pain syndrome may include strengthening exercises for the thigh muscles, stretching, and techniques to correct any biomechanical abnormalities or muscle imbalances that contribute to the pain. Modalities such as ice, heat, or ultrasound may also be utilized to manage pain and reduce inflammation.
  4. Fractures: The knee can sustain fractures, such as a patellar or tibial plateau fracture, as a result of the impact in a car accident. Treatment depends on the type and severity of the fracture and may involve immobilization with a cast or brace, followed by a gradual return to weight-bearing activities under the guidance of a physiotherapist. Rehabilitation may include exercises to improve range of motion, strengthen the muscles around the knee, and restore functional abilities.
  5. Rehabilitation and Prevention: Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process after a knee injury. Physiotherapists can design a comprehensive program tailored to the individual’s specific needs and goals, which may include strengthening exercises, flexibility training, balance and proprioception exercises, functional activities, and gait training. They may also provide education on proper body mechanics, injury prevention strategies, and guidance for a safe return to sports or other physical activities.

It is important to remember that each case is unique, and the appropriate treatment plan will depend on the specific diagnosis and individual circumstances. Consulting with a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist or orthopaedic specialist, is essential to receive an accurate diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan for knee pain after a car accident. Early intervention and appropriate rehabilitation can lead to improved outcomes and a faster return to normal activities.

Loding a CTP Claim

What to do after first:

  • Visit your doctor as soon as possible
  • Contact your CTP insurance provider
  • Fill our paper work
  • Your doctor will also need to fill out a form
  • Receive claim number from your CTP insurance provider
  • All medical treatment, including Physiotherapy treatment is covered under your CTP Claim.

Car Accident Physiotherapy Parramatta

  • With your claim number, your first Physiotherapy session is automatically approved
  • After your first session, your Physiotherapist will provide a report to your CTP insurer and organise further approval for treatment
  • Don’t stress – talk to your experienced Physiotherapist

Do I have to pay for treatment?

  • No you don’t
  • Once your CTP claim is approved, we can directly bill the insurance company and there will no out of pocket expense for you

What you need to provide us with:

  1. Claim number from your insurance company required
  2. Approval letter or email for Physiotherapy from the insurance company
  3. Contact Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta. We will assist you with pain management and get you back on track as soon as possible.


Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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Workplace Accidents

Injury Case Management

CTP Insurance Claim

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

CTP Insurance Claim

A CTP insurance claim refers to a compensation claim made under a Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance policy. CTP insurance is a mandatory type of insurance coverage that provides compensation for personal injury or death caused by the use of a motor vehicle. The specific regulations and processes for CTP insurance claims can vary depending on the country or jurisdiction. However, here is a general overview of the CTP insurance claim process:

  1. Report the Accident: After being involved in a motor vehicle accident, it is important to report the incident to the relevant authorities, such as the police or the local motor vehicle accident authority, as required by the jurisdiction. This step is essential for documentation and gathering evidence related to the accident.
  2. Seek Medical Attention: If you have sustained any injuries as a result of the accident, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Ensure that your injuries are properly diagnosed, treated, and documented by healthcare professionals. This documentation will be important when making your CTP insurance claim.
  3. Notify the CTP Insurer: Once you have received medical attention and are in a stable condition, notify the CTP insurance provider about the accident and your intent to make a claim. The insurer will guide you through the specific steps and requirements for making a claim.
  4. Complete the Claim Form: The CTP insurance provider will provide you with a claim form that needs to be completed. The form typically requires you to provide details about the accident, your injuries, and other relevant information. Be sure to fill out the form accurately and provide any supporting documents or evidence required.
  5. Provide Supporting Documentation: As part of your claim, you may need to provide supporting documentation, such as medical records, police reports, witness statements, and any other evidence related to the accident and your injuries. These documents will help establish the validity and extent of your claim.
  6. Assessment of the Claim: The CTP insurance provider will assess your claim based on the information and evidence provided. They may conduct their own investigations, review medical reports, and consult with relevant professionals to evaluate the claim.

Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your injury? Experienced Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, DVA and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.


Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park
Team at Physio Parramatta WorkCover, Car accidents, Post Surgery Rehab, NDIS, Sports Injuries providing Mobile Rehab for Car Accidents and CTP Claims

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Ankle pain after a car accident

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Ankle pain after a car accident

Experiencing ankle pain after a car accident can be a common occurrence due to the impact and forces involved in the collision. The ankle joint is susceptible to injuries such as sprains, fractures, and ligament damage in these situations. If you are experiencing ankle pain after a car accident, it is essential to seek medical attention and consult with a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist, who can provide a comprehensive assessment and appropriate treatment plan. Here are some possible causes of ankle pain after a car accident and the potential treatments that a physiotherapist may recommend:

  1. Ankle Sprain: An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle joint are stretched or torn. The sudden impact of a car accident can cause the ankle to twist or roll, resulting in a sprain. Physiotherapy treatment for ankle sprains may include rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE protocol), as well as exercises to improve strength, stability, and range of motion. Manual therapy techniques, such as joint mobilization and soft tissue massage, can also be utilized to promote healing and reduce pain.
  2. Fracture: A car accident can lead to ankle fractures, which involve the breaking of one or more bones in the ankle joint. Depending on the severity and type of fracture, treatment options may include immobilization with a cast or walking boot, followed by gradual weight-bearing and functional exercises as guided by the physiotherapist. The physiotherapist may also use various techniques to reduce pain and swelling, promote bone healing, and restore mobility and strength.
  3. Soft Tissue Injuries: Car accidents can cause damage to the soft tissues surrounding the ankle joint, such as tendons and muscles. This can result in pain, inflammation, and limited mobility. Physiotherapy treatment for soft tissue injuries may involve therapeutic exercises to improve flexibility, strength, and coordination. Manual therapy techniques, such as myofascial release and stretching, can help alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, and enhance tissue healing.
  4. Postural and Gait Abnormalities: After a car accident, individuals may develop postural and gait abnormalities due to pain, decreased ankle mobility, or compensatory movement patterns. Physiotherapists can assess and address these issues by prescribing specific exercises and corrective techniques to restore normal posture and walking mechanics. They may also recommend the use of assistive devices, such as crutches or orthotics, to provide support and improve walking efficiency.
  5. Rehabilitation and Prevention: Beyond pain management and recovery, physiotherapists can develop a comprehensive rehabilitation program to help individuals regain full functionality and prevent future ankle problems. This may involve progressive exercises to strengthen the ankle and surrounding muscles, balance and proprioception training, and functional activities tailored to the individual’s needs and goals. Education on proper footwear, injury prevention strategies, and self-care techniques may also be provided.

Remember, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist or Orthopaedic specialist, who can assess your specific condition and design a tailored treatment plan. Ankle pain after a car accident should not be ignored, as early intervention and appropriate rehabilitation can lead to better outcomes and a faster return to normal activities.

Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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Five Questions Patients ask their Physiotherapists

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Five Questions Patients ask their Physiotherapists

  1. How long will my recovery take? This is a common question as patients want to have a clear understanding of the timeline for their recovery. Physiotherapists will assess the individual’s condition and provide an estimated timeframe based on factors such as the type and severity of the injury, overall health, and adherence to the treatment plan. However, it’s important to note that recovery timelines can vary for each person.
  2. What exercises and activities should I avoid during my recovery? Patients often want to know which activities or exercises they should avoid to prevent further injury or hinder their recovery. Physiotherapists will provide guidance on specific movements or activities that may be detrimental to their condition. They may suggest modifications or alternative exercises to ensure the patient can continue to engage in physical activity safely.
  3. What can I do at home to supplement my treatment? Patients may inquire about activities they can perform at home to support their recovery process. Physiotherapists can recommend home exercises, stretches, and self-care techniques that individuals can incorporate into their daily routine. This helps to enhance the effectiveness of in-clinic treatments and promote continuous progress outside of scheduled physiotherapy sessions.
  4. How can I manage pain and discomfort during my recovery? Pain management is a common concern for patients undergoing physiotherapy. Physiotherapists can provide strategies to manage pain and discomfort, such as applying ice or heat, taking over-the-counter pain medications (if appropriate), using supportive devices like braces or tape, and suggesting relaxation techniques. They may also adjust treatment techniques to ensure patients can progress comfortably.
  5. How can I prevent future injuries? Patients often want to know how they can reduce the risk of re-injury or prevent future injuries altogether. Physiotherapists can educate patients on proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and postural habits. They may provide specific exercises or strengthening programs to address areas of weakness and enhance overall stability. Education on injury prevention strategies helps patients maintain long-term musculoskeletal health and well-being.

It’s important to remember that each patient’s questions and concerns may vary based on their specific condition and circumstances. Physiotherapists aim to provide comprehensive answers and personalized guidance to address individual needs and support the best possible recovery outcome.


Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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Workplace Accidents

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Common NDIS Physiotherapy Services

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Common NDIS Physiotherapy Services

The most common NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) physiotherapy service can vary depending on the individual needs of the participants. However, some of the most frequently utilized Physiotherapy services under the NDIS include:

  1. Assessment and Treatment: This involves initial assessments to determine the participant’s physical abilities and limitations, followed by customized treatment plans to address their specific needs. It may include exercises, mobility training, pain management, and functional improvement strategies.
  2. Mobility Aids Prescription: Physiotherapists may recommend and assist participants in obtaining appropriate mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walking frames, crutches, or orthotics to enhance their mobility and independence.
  3. Gait Training: Gait training focuses on improving an individual’s ability to walk or move using appropriate techniques and aids. It aims to enhance balance, coordination, and overall mobility.
  4. Strengthening and Conditioning: Physiotherapists may provide exercises and techniques to improve muscle strength, endurance, and overall physical conditioning. This may involve resistance training, stretching, and cardiovascular exercises.
  5. Pain Management: Physiotherapists can offer techniques to manage and reduce pain associated with various disabilities or conditions. This may include manual therapy, heat or cold therapy, electrotherapy, and relaxation techniques.
  6. Falls Prevention: Physiotherapists may provide assessments and interventions to reduce the risk of falls for participants. This can involve exercises to improve balance, stability training, and environmental modifications.

It’s important to note that NDIS physiotherapy services are tailored to meet the individual needs and goals of each participant. The specific services provided can vary based on the participant’s disabilities, goals, and the recommendations of their healthcare team. It is advisable to consult with a physiotherapist or an NDIS representative to determine the most appropriate and common physiotherapy services for a specific situation.

Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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NDIS Parkinsons Disease

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

NDIS Parkinsons Disease

Exercise is an essential component of managing Parkinson’s disease and can greatly improve quality of life for those living with the condition.
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement and can lead to tremors, stiffness and difficulty with balance and coordination.
While there is no cure for Parkinson’s, regular exercise has been shown to be a powerful tool for managing the disease and its symptoms.

One of the primary benefits of exercise for people with Parkinson’s is that it can help to improve mobility and flexibility. Stretching and strengthening exercises can help to loosen tight muscles and improve range of motion, making it easier to perform everyday activities such as walking, dressing and bathing. Exercise can also help to improve balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and injuries.

In addition to its physical benefits, exercise has also been shown to have a positive impact on mental health in people with Parkinson’s. Exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety and improve overall quality of life. It can also help to improve cognitive function and memory, which can be affected by Parkinson’s disease.

There are many different types of exercise that can be beneficial for people with Parkinson’s, including cardio, strength training and flexibility exercises. Cardio exercises, such as walking, jogging or cycling, can help to improve cardiovascular health, increase energy levels and reduce fatigue. Strength training exercises, such as lifting weights or using resistance bands, can help to build muscle strength and improve mobility. Flexibility exercises, such as stretching or yoga, can help to improve range of motion and reduce stiffness.

It is important to consult with your GP and Physiotherapist to develop a safe and effective exercise plan that is tailored to the individual’s needs and abilities. This may involve starting with low-impact exercises and gradually increasing intensity and duration as the individual’s condition improves. It is also important to incorporate a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups and to ensure that the individual is not overdoing it and risking injury.

In addition to traditional forms of exercise, there are also many specialized programs and therapies that have been developed specifically for people with Parkinson’s. These may include exercise programs that focus on balance and coordination, such as tai chi or dance therapy, or programs that utilize music or rhythm to improve movement, such as drumming or singing.

It is important to remember that exercise is just one aspect of managing Parkinson’s disease. In addition to regular exercise, it is also important to follow a healthy diet and to take medications as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Regular check-ups with a healthcare team can also help to monitor the individual’s condition and make any necessary adjustments to their treatment plan.

Exercise is important for everyone, but it is particularly beneficial for people with Parkinson’s. It is a powerful tool for managing the physical and mental symptoms of the disease and can greatly improve overall quality of life. By consulting with a healthcare professional and developing a safe and effective exercise plan, people with Parkinson’s can take an active role in managing their condition and enhancing their well-being.

What Exercises Are Recommended?

  • Aerobic exercises, also known as cardio exercises, are activities that increase the heart rate and oxygenate the blood. These exercises can include activities such as walking, jogging, cycling or swimming. Aerobic exercises have been shown to be particularly beneficial for people with Parkinson’s because they can improve cardiovascular health, increase energy levels and reduce fatigue.
  • Strength training exercises, also known as resistance exercises, are activities that involve using weights or other forms of resistance to build muscle strength. These exercises can include activities such as lifting weights, using resistance bands or doing push-ups or squats. Strength training exercises are important for people with Parkinson’s because they can improve muscle strength, mobility and flexibility.

How to get Started With An Exercise Program:

  1. Consult with your GP and Physiotherapist. It is important to develop a safe and effective exercise plan that is tailored to your needs and abilities. Your Physiotherapist can help you to identify the right exercises for you and to ensure that you are starting at a safe and appropriate level of intensity.
  2. Start slowly and gradually increase intensity. It is important to start with low-impact exercises and gradually build up to more intense activities. This will help to minimize the risk of injury and ensure that you are not overdoing it.
  3. Incorporate a variety of exercises. It is important to target different muscle groups and to incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine. This can help to prevent boredom and ensure that you are getting a full-body workout.
  4. Find activities that you enjoy. Exercise should be something that you look forward to, not a chore. Try to find activities that you enjoy, such as walking, dancing or cycling. This will make it easier to stick with your exercise routine and keep you motivated.

Exercise is important for everyone, but it is particularly beneficial for people with Parkinson’s disease. It is a powerful tool for managing the physical and mental symptoms of the disease and can greatly improve overall quality of life. By consulting with a healthcare professional and developing a safe and effective exercise plan, people with Parkinson’s can take an active role in managing their condition and enhancing their well-being.

Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park

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