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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Carpal tunnel syndrome causes numbness, tingling and weakness in your hand due to increased pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. The median nerve, along with several other structures enter the wrist region through a small space created in your wrist by a series of wrist bones, muscles and tendons. The median nerve is responsible for movement, sensation and power in the thumb and the first three fingers. The little finger is not controlled by the Median nerve.

What causes carpal tunnel?

Pressure on the median nerve causes this. This pressure can come from anything that makes the carpal tunnel smaller. Such as:

  • Repetitive use of wrist (RSI)
  • Swelling – Pre or post pregnancy / after having a fall or accident / overuse of wrist
  • Arthritis
  • Abnormal bone growth
Carpal Tunnel Decompression Surgery
Carpal Tunnel Decompression Surgery – Physiotherapy Treatment


Common symptoms include:

  • Pain of varying degree – usually worse at night
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Weakness


Scans and X-rays are not required immediately. A Physiotherapist will go through a series of wrist and upper limb movements, muscle strength tests and other nerve compression tests to diagnose and treat condition.


Wrist, Finger and Forearm Stretches
Wrist, Finger and Forearm Stretches
Wrist, Finger and Forearm Stretches
Wrist, Finger and Forearm Stretches
Wrist, Finger and Forearm Stretches
Wrist, Finger and Forearm Stretches


If you are suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, give Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta a call and have you wrist assessed. You can email us on [email protected] or call our clinic number 0479 080 800 for further information.


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Tight Hamstrings Stretches

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150: Hamstring Tightness and Back Pain

Tight hamstrings and back pain are a common occurrence in individuals who spend a lot of time in sitting such as office workers, students or anyone else. Tightness in the Hamstrings muscle group limits the movement of your pelvis, which can increase stress across the lower back and cause incorrect posture. More specifically, tight hamstrings, causes the pelvis to tilt posteriorly which causes a reduction in the lower back curvature. Stretching tight hamstrings will
gradually lengthen them and reduce the stress felt in the lower back.

Hamstring Stretch Variations

tight hamstrings and back pain

Hamstring stretch variation in sitting

Hamstring stretch variation in lying

tight hamstrings and back pain

Contact Us:

For more information on how we can further assist your corporate Physiotherapy needs, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800 or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, DVA and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back to full function.

Daniel Stone. Physiotherapist in Parramatta
Daniel Stone. Physiotherapist in Parramatta. Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta.
Ajit Singh Lamba: Physiotherapist in Parramatta
Ajit Singh Lamba: Physiotherapist in Parramatta


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Neck Cracking and Grinding

Neck Cracking and Grinding: What does it mean?

We have all at some time in our life heard cracking or grinding noises in their neck upon movement. These sounds, also called crepitus, are usually painless and typically do not represent anything serious. However, if the neck cracking noise is accompanied by pain, swelling, or some other concerning symptoms, then it may represent a problem that should be checked by a qualified health professional such as a Physiotherapist in Parramatta, Sydney or a GP.

Possible Causes of Neck Cracking

Crepitus, refers to any type of noise or sensation such as a cracking, popping, snapping, or grinding sound that is heard during neck movement. Such as, feeling a cracking sensation in the neck when turning to look over  your shoulder. Crepitus can occur in any moveable joint in the body, and there are many moveable joints in the neck. The neck joints are bathed in an oily-like substance call synovial fluid, which allows motion to freely occur in between the bones. Another possible factor in neck cracking could be the snapping sound of ligaments and/or tendons as they move over bones or other muscles or tendons located in the neck region.

It’s possible for bone to grind against bone if the cartilage has worn down. This condition is called osteoarthritis. It occurs gradually with the normal aging process, or it can be accelerated if there has been a traumatic injury such as whiplash or a sports-related injury.

This type of crepitation is typically accompanied by pain, limited neck motion, and the cracking sound is usually repeated over and over with each movement. This experience is in contrast to the typical gas bubble formation crack, where it typically takes about 20 minutes before cavitation, or the cracking, can again occur.

For more details checkout Spine Health

If your neck is causing you grief, get in touch with Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta today!

Forward Head Posture

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150: Let’s talk about Forward Head Posture

What is forward head posture?

Forward head posture is the loss of the neutral and our natural neck curve. This can lead to increased tension, muscle tightness and joint stiffness which affects our musculoskeletal and nervous system. It’s vital that your neck position allows your head to sit directly overhead your shoulders. Unfortunately, due to the excessive use of phones, computers and tablets and the effects of gravity, poor posture, poor office ergonomics, injury and trauma results in misplacement of the neck vertebrae. All of these result in a forward head posture. Forward head posture affects the majority of people and can have serious long-term health implications. At Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta, we see a variety of patients with neck issues.

Common causes of incorrect posture

Certain types of activities can place you at increased risk of developing this condition, including:

  • Sitting for prolonged periods of time
  • Working in an office, behind a desk or on a computer/laptop
  • Poor ergonomics
  • Injury or accidents
  • Improper lifting technique over a long period of time
  • Generally poor or hunched posture

Signs that you may have incorrect posture include:

  • Ears are not inline with shoulders
  • Neck pain and headaches
  • Tightness or tension in the back of the neck or upper back
  • Awareness of your posture particularly if you know you look down at phone/tablet devices and laptops
  • An obvious forward head carriage

Problems associated with forward head posture

There are many health problems associated with forward head posture. Some more common problems can include the following:

  • Abnormal loading on the cervical spine due to forward head position
  • Reduction in lung capacity
  • Increase discomfort and pain
  • Reduction in freedom of movement and joint range of motion

Multiple authors and numerous scientific reports identify forward head posture as a significant factor in what they term ‘musculoskeletal pain syndrome’. Persistent forward head posture puts compressive loads on the upper vertebrae and this can develop into ‘hump’ posture.

A study published in the Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine looked at forward head posture in the work place. The results indicated that forward head posture was the most common spinal ‘defect’ found across a variety of professions. Over time, this leads to serious compression of the cervical nerve roots. The study concluded that professional education programs on correct posture, office ergonomics and corrective exercises may prevent this issues.

How can I correct it?

Physiotherapy commonly helps a variety of postural problems, including forward head posture. Physiotherapy works to free up restricted joints, increase range of motion, reduce pain, remove nerve interference and reduce muscle tightness and tension. Your Physiotherapist may recommend a series of treatment sessions and specific neck exercises to correct this condition.

Contact us today on 0479 080 800 to make a booking. Alternatively you can email us [email protected]Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, DVA and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back to full function.

Physiotherapist in Parramatta
Physiotherapist in Parramatta

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Physiotherapy Treatment For Neck Pain

Physiotherapy Treatment For Neck Pain

Help with Neck Pain

Do you suffer from neck pain? If so, read on. Physiotherapy commonly helps many cases of neck pain and can offer effective neck pain treatment. On this page we’ll talk about common causes of neck pain and discuss how Physiotherapy may help your neck pain. Physiotherapists are trained health professionals to address neck pain problems. At Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta, we use of a variety of tools to assess, diagnose and identify possible sources of neck pain. We will work with you to recommend appropriate solutions to address your neck pain problems.


If your spine is out of alignment, your body expends more energy to just keep you upright and balanced. Your neck pain may therefore be a warning that your spine is out of alignment. This may have serious consequences for your overall vitality and health. Your head should be in a neutral position directly on top of your shoulders, allowing your ears to directly lineup with the middle of your shoulders. Any variation from this normal posture may cause problems.

Common Causes of Neck Pain

So, what can cause neck pain? There are many causes of neck pain, some are more obvious than others, and as such it’s recommended you see a Physiotherapist for a comprehensive spine and posture check up. Neck pain may be caused by:

  • Poor posture
  • Forward head posture
  • ineffective office ergonomics (low computer screen, hunched posture)
  • Pport injury
  • Car accidents
  • Muscle tightness
  • Poor sleeping habits
  • Sudden movement or turning (which may indicate an underlying structural problem)

Neck Pain Treatment


Can Physiotherapy help with neck pain? In many cases, yes. A Physiotherapy treatment utilises is a precise procedures to the joints, usually by hand. As a result, there will be improved mobility of the spine and it will assist to restore normal range of motion and increase muscle movement. A series of treatment sessions can help mobilise the entire spine, allowing for improved ability to twist/turn more naturally and a reduction in pain, stiffness and soreness.

Contact Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta today to see a Physiotherapist!

Back Pain Treatment with Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Physiotherapy is generally regarded as a safe and effective back pain treatment. If you’re looking for long term solutions about why you suffer back pain or for relief from pain, we may be able to help. If you suffer back pain and are looking for Physiotherapy in Parramatta, Sydney, Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta may be able to help. The statistics as they relate to back pain are very alarming. 80% of the community will suffer from back pain at some point in their life. The majority of these sufferers are men, however a significant number of women also suffer from back pain.

Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

Physiotherapy helps in many cases of lower back pain. Low back pain can be caused by a variety of problems with any of the complex connections associated with your spine, muscles, nerves, bones, discs or tendons. Some common sources of back pain include:

  • Irritation of the large nerve root sciatic nerve pain originating in the low back and going down the legs
  • Smaller nerve irritation caused by vertebral stiffness (a potentially misalignment of the vertebrae bones)
  • Tight or strained lower back muscles
  • Worn out joints or disc degeneration

Any issue with any of these complex areas may cause lower back pain or pain that radiates to other parts of your body (referred pain). Damage to the muscle and ligaments of the back, also referred to as a pulled or strained muscle, can occur when the back muscles are over stretched or torn. Poor posture and incorrect lifting technique can also contribute to back pain.

An initial Physiotherapy assessment at the clinic may identify underlying structural issues that warrant further investigation. If your posture looks incorrect from the outside, your spine may be affected from the inside.

Back Pain Treatment in Parramatta

Are Physiotherapists back pain specialists? Many health professionals including Doctors, Surgeons, and Physiotherapists may help in certain cases of back pain.

Many studies have concluded that manual therapy or Physiotherapy is effective for the treatment of lower back pain. There is firm literature support for Physiotherapy treatment of lower back pain. Many published guidelines recommend Physiotherapy as a form of therapy for patients. Physiotherapy works to increase joint range of motion, reduce nerve interference, increase flexibility and movement along the spine.

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta promise to work with you to address the cause of your back pain and provide recommendations for care. Our experienced team will perform a comprehensive Physiotherapy assessment, including postural and biomechanical assessments, to diagnose your problem. Our team specialises in the management and treatment of musculoskeletal and postural issues.

Contact us today on 0479 080 800 to make a booking. Alternatively you can email us on [email protected]Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back to full function.

Team Physiotherapy Parramatta
Team Physiotherapy Parramatta – 12 Ada Street Harris Park
William Woo - Physio Parramatta
William Woo – Senior Physiotherapist, Physio Parramatta
Ajit Singh Lamba: Physiotherapist in Parramatta
Ajit Singh Lamba: Physiotherapist in Parramatta

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Headache and Migraine Relief with Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy May Reduce the Severity and Frequency of Your Headaches

Headache and migraines are a serious health concern in today’s technology reliant world. It can cause problems for many individuals. People right across Parramatta and Sydney regularly visit their local Physiotherapist seeking relief from their headache and migraine symptoms.

In some cases, headaches and migraines can cause severe pain and may leave people unable to function to their full capacity. Re-occurring headaches over a period of time may indicate an underlying structural issue as a possible cause. Such as stiff joints, tight muscles or incorrect posture. Fortunately, many people benefit from Physiotherapy treatment when it comes to addressing their headache and neck related issues.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?

At Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta, located in Parramatta / Harris Park, we don’t want to just relieve the symptoms of headache pain without addressing the underlying cause. We work with you to provide long term solutions to your pain. We will assess your symptoms and explain to you what is going on before beginning the treatment process.

Physiotherapy is different. Physiotherapists works to identify the underlying cause of headache and migraine pain and correct it. If the cause of your headache and migraine pain is due to a spinal misalignments, muscle imbalance, stiffness, Physiotherapy may help. Physiotherapy has been shown to be effective at treating headache and migraine pain.

Common Headache Types

What are the most common type of headaches that Physiotherapy may help with?

  • Cervicogenic headaches: originates with a dysfunction in the neck (cervical spine) and are characterised by pain at the base of the skull and down the neck, sometimes extending to behind the eyes. Symptoms include dizziness and neck pain. These types of headaches can be common after car accidents.
  • Migraine headaches: misalignments along the spine can cause a variety of migraine type headaches. Stress, car accidents and muscle tightness can trigger migraines.
  • Tension headaches: these are the most common types of headaches and can be caused by a variety of things including muscle spasms, tension, stress and emotional upheaval and food allergies.

The most commonly prescribed medication to treat headaches, pain killers, will only temporarily relieve symptoms of pain. They do not work to correct the underlying causes of headaches. Why would you temporarily mask the problem when Physiotherapy has a proven record for the long term management of headaches?

 If you are suffering from headaches, migraines or neck pain, get in touch with Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta today. Located walking distance from Parramatta and Harris Park station. Appointments available 6 days a week.


Physiotherapy Treatment in Parramatta

Physiotherapy Treatment in Parramatta

Physiotherapists in Parramatta, Sydney will use a variety of approaches and modalities as part of their treatment session. The following are some common treatments used by Physiotherapists.

Heat and ice

Heat is often applied to reduce stiffness and improve blood flow to a muscle or joint. Heat also helps increase flexibility and ease of movement of stiff joints. Ice is often applied to acute injuries to soft tissue or joints to reduce swelling and inflammation. Although long term effectiveness of ice and heat is questionable.

Joint Mobilizations

Manual therapy is the basis of joint mobilisations and manipulations. If a joint isn’t moving and should be, joint mobilizations or manipulation can help. Physiotherapists use a hands on approach to get stiff or immobile joints moving. Some research has shown that when combined with exercise, joint mobilization and manipulation can provide additional benefit.


Low level laser therapy has been used for many years by physiotherapists for its reported anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effects. Further investigation is needed to demonstrate its effectiveness in treating muscular injuries.

Dry Needling

The term dry needling refers to the needles have a solid core and are not used for the purpose of injecting medications. Physiotherapist undergo further training before offering dry needling as a treatment option. Anecdotal  evidence exists outlining the benefits of the treatment, however further research is needed to support the effectiveness of needling.


Shockwave Therapy is a high amplitude pulse of mechanical energy, similar to sound waves to treat a variety of conditions including plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow and shoulder tendonitis. The evidence of shockwave’s effectiveness has been mixed. Some researchers note improved pain relief and function with shockwave with others report no benefit over exercise interventions.


This modality is thought to increase blood circulation, tissue metabolism, tissue flexibility and healing and is frequently used for its effects on muscles, joints and ligaments. Research suggests mixed effect with ultrasound as it proves helpful in some conditions. But provides no extra benefit over exercise for those with frozen shoulders or rotator cuff injuries. A systematic review showed little evidence for the effectiveness of ultrasound in treating musculoskeletal disorders.

Physiotherapists will employ a variety of techniques, including manual therapy, exercises and when indicated different modalities to ease the patient’s symptoms. Even though there is insufficient evidence to prove the effectiveness of one particular technique, it does not mean the technique is not effective. Every patient will have a unique experience. Just because one patient did not benefit from it, does not mean someone else might not either.

Get in touch with our Physiotherapists at Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta and see how we can help you!

Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

What is it? Is it treatable?

Frozen shoulder, also known as “adhesive capsulitis”, is a condition that affects approximately 5% of the population at some stage in their life. Women are more likely to develop the condition compared to men. The condition causes pain, stiffness and limited range of motion and function of the shoulder. Clinically, it has been defined as an inflammatory process which causes contracture of the shoulder joint capsule.

The shoulder movements that are affected include:

  • Flexion (lifting the arm up in front of you)
  • Abduction (lifting the arm up to the side)
  • External rotation (turning the arm outward).

Idiopathic and Secondary Capsulitis

  • Idiopathic or primary adhesive capsulitis: occurs spontaneously out of the blue. Generally, without any particular injury or event.
  • Secondary adhesive capsulitis: occurs post shoulder injury or surgery. This form of frozen shoulder may be associated with other conditions such as rotator cuff injuries.

Stages of Frozen Shoulder

Inflammatory stage: This is when the shoulder is the most painful and is the beginning of the frozen shoulder process. Range of movement slowly starts to reduce from this stage onwards

Frozen or stiffness stage: Pain settles down, but the shoulder joint is stiff and restricted

“thawing” stage: This is the stage when pain and range of movement starts to improve

The average length of symptoms last approximately 24-30 months, with the frozen stage typically lasting the longest.

Consequences of A Frozen Shoulder

  • Muscular imbalances at the shoulder: patients with often present with altered shoulder movement secondary to muscle imbalances at the shoulder.
  • The upper trapezius muscle tends to be more active when lifting the arm when compared to the inferior trapezius muscle according to a study that measured the muscle activity of these two muscles during arm elevation.
  • This is likely caused by decreased capsular extensibility and alterations in motor control and firing patterns of these two muscles
  • Poor posture: protraction of the shoulders (shoulders situated more forward with respect to the trunk) and increased thoracic kyphosis (increased curvature of the upper back) are commonly seen in patients with a frozen shoulder This, in turn, may further contribute to the muscular imbalances at the shoulder.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Frozen shoulder treatment is typically conservative with medication and Physiotherapy. A high success rate has been demonstrated with conservative treatment.

  • Physiotherapists treat a frozen shoulder using a variety of techniques, including mobilizations of the shoulder joint, modalities to relieve pain, trigger point release to relax tight muscles, and exercises to optimize the strength and flexibility at the shoulder.
  • Other treatments include injections into the shoulder joint – corticosteroid to reduce inflammation, as well as an anesthetic to relieve pain.
  • Corticosteroid injections have been shown to be more effective within the first 6 weeks of a frozen shoulder.

How Do You Know If You Have A Frozen Shoulder?

Pain and lack of shoulder mobility will normally give you good indication if you have a frozen shoulder. Speak to your Physiotherapist or GP to have your shoulder assessed. Your GP may prescribe you with pain medications to get you through the day.

Contact Us:

Do you need assistance with your Physiotherapy treatment? Experienced team of Physiotherapists with essential knowledge. You can call us anytime to have a confidential discussion with our expert Physiotherapists. For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.


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