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Physiotherapy to Recover from a Car Accident


Experts in CTP Physio Rehab
Experts in CTP Physio Rehab

Car accident are traumatic: completely shocking, overwhelming and unexpected. What’s more, we know that what may feel like a minor injury right after your car accident can lead to long-term pain and serious ongoing problems. You may not even think you’re injured at all, until the shock of the initial car accident wears off after a few days and you start to discover previously unfelt pain.

This is why we cannot stress enough the importance of visiting your GP and Physiotherapist for an assessment as soon as you can after your car accident. No matter how minor the car accident was. 

Whether you’re suffering from whiplash, bruising, a fracture or a twisted ankle, unexplained swelling or inflammation – all of which are amongst the most common symptoms we see after a motor vehicle accident – our team of expert Physiotherapists can assist you with your recovery. It’s advisable not to ignore your injury as ‘minor’ and leave even the smallest of injuries untreated, you could be opening yourself up to long-term damage and a life-time of unexplained aches and pains.

Damage like reduced mobility and flexibility, deeper tissue damage, or even chronic pain. All of which can (mostly) be avoided by visiting a Physiotherapist after your accident. Think of it this way: even if your car seems ok from the outside after a car accident, you will take it to a mechanic to assess any damage to ensure it’s safe to drive. Let us do the same for your body.

Common Conditions Caused by Car Accidents

Some of the most common conditions we treat resulting from a car accident, many of which may not show up immediately, include (but are not limited to):

  • Whiplash and other soft tissue injuries causing damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons
  • Arm / Leg Pain
  • Back / Neck Pain
  • Bruising / Tenderness
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Numbness
  • Sprains / Strains

Related to the above conditions, here are some of the most common symptoms you should look out for:

  • Regular headaches or migraines
  • Dizziness
  • Prolonged fatigue
  • Tingling in the upper portion of the body
  • Reduced motion in the neck
  • Continued pain, no matter how minor, in the shoulders, head, or neck.

How Physiotherapy Can Help with Your Car Accident Injury

Car accident Physiotherapy is designed to get your body back on track, with full mobility, strength, flexibility and range of motion. This is part of a much bigger picture though: although you may not need surgery immediately after your ordeal, some car-accident related injuries can eventually lead to the need for surgery.

Physiotherapy is key to helping you avoid this. We start our work with you by establishing exactly what happened and assessing your physical condition from top to toe. We may ask detailed questions about the car accident to assess how the injury happened and where we think it may have impacted on your body (which may be in places you don’t even know about yet); how bad your ‘known’ pain is; and which movements you can and can’t do.We will then customize a treatment plan for your unique situation and injuries. This treatment plan may include things like hands on treatment, ice/heat application and electrical stimulation to manage pain and inflammation at the early stage of recovery. The bulk of car accident pain treatment is usually taken up by manual therapy. This may include (but not be limited to):

  • Mobilizing and massaging joints in gentle, repetitive motions to offer pain relief, restore their mobility, and improve blood circulation;
  • Stretching and therapeutic exercises to help prevent joint stiffness and restore tissue function;
  • Strengthening exercises to prevent muscle weakness in neck, back and postural muscles;
  • Designing an exercise plan which allows a return to work and physical activities in a safe, gradual and effective manner;
  • Exercise, education and lifestyle plans to help prevent any condition progressing to chronic;
  • Ongoing strengthening and conditioning exercise plans to be done at home, combined with massage and other treatment where necessary, for long-term return to pain-free health and activity.

The length of treatment depends on a number of factors, including the severity of your accident and injuries, how often you attend Physiotherapy sessions, and how diligently you do the at-home portion of your treatment plan and rehabilitation exercises. Our goal, however, is to return you to pre-accident condition – or better!

Are you experiencing ongoing pain from a recent car accident?

Contact our team of expert Physiotherapists today.  We work closely with your family GP, and your insurance provider, to help you return back to health.

Contact Us:

For more information on how we can further assist you after you have had a car accident, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, DVA and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Physiotherapist in Parramatta
Physiotherapist in Parramatta

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Car Accident Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy After A Car Accident

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Workplace Accidents

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Rehab After Car Accident


Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150: Rehab After Car Accident

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, the road to recovery can be long and confusing. You may need multiple forms of rehabilitation after car accident to help you recover from your injuries. In times like these, you need guidance from experts who deal with the system on a daily basis. Not only will be provide you with Physiotherapy services, but will connect you to experts in other fields who will assist you in receiving the best possible care.

Why is rehab after a car accident important?

Motor vehicle accidents are traumatic events. They can an also result in serious injuries that take years to recover from – or even a lifetime. Motor vehicle accidents often require multiple hospital or doctor’s appointments. These appointments are necessary in speeding up the recovery process. Physiotherapy can help to reduce the risk of long-term pain and damage, aid in pain reduction and in some cases may even help patients avoid the need to have surgery.

Compulsary Third Party (CTP) also known as green slip insurance covers you for Physiotherapy treatment and other benefits in case of a motor vehicle accident. Motor vehicle accidents can be a major disruption to your life and we offer rehabilitation support through your CTP claim to help you overcome this hurdle. Not only do we provide hands on Physiotherapy treatment, we can also direct you to other professionals who will assist you with other aspects of your rehab journey including medical, specialist reviews, psychological and legal input.

Our team of experienced Physiotherapists will assist you to return to your pre-accident level of health and quality of life. We deliver a holistic and patient focused treatment model ensuring we are meeting your goals. Whether it is linking you to treatment services, supporting return to work, helping your home life, or just someone to guide your recovery, we are here to help you.

How we can assist you:

  • Collaboration with professionals to help design and implement activities to promote early return to work when medically able
  • Supporting and motivating the injured individual to become active
  • Early health education as a motivating tool for injured person
  • Communicating with health professionals and employers

What you should do after a motor vehicle accident:

Experts in CTP Physio Rehab
Experts in CTP Physio Rehab
  • Visit your doctor as soon as possible after your motor vehicle accident
  • Contact your CTP insurance provider within 28 days
  • Fill our paper work provided by your CTP insurer
  • Receive claim number from your CTP insurance provider
  • Provide claim number to your Physiotherapist

Spinal Rehabilitation

Spinal injuries can result in ongoing and long term pain and disability. Rehabilitation normally includes Physiotherapy, therapy and support in returning to work and study roles.

Herniated Disk Rehabilitation

A herniated disk may mean that you need to take time off work to recover. With a back injury there is also a chance you could need medication, Physiotherapy for spinal symptoms or even surgery in worst case scenarios.

Damaged Pelvis Rehabilitation

Damage to your pelvis as a result of a motor vehicle accident can result in difficulty walking or impairment to your range of movement. In cases like these you may need extensive Physiotherapy or surgery to heal.

Torn or Ruptured ACL Rehabilitation

Depending on the severity of the injury a torn or ruptured ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) can be treated either surgically or non-surgically. Once you have been assessed by your GP, you may need to get further scans done to determine the extent of damage. Once your injuries have been stabilised, Physiotherapy rehabilitation for your knee injury can start.

Dislocation Rehabilitation

If you’ve dislocated a bone, treatment begins with putting the bone back into its socket. Once this is complete your doctor may recommend a sling. From there, Physiotherapy rehabilitation can involve specific exercises and, later on, even weight training to build strength back into the affected limb.

Common Symptoms treated by Physiotherapy:

  • Whiplash
  • Neck pain and Headaches
  • Muscle strain and reduced range of motion
  • Lower back pain
  • Knee pain
  • Chest pain

Do I have to pay for treatment?

If you have a claim number, we will bill the insurer directly for Physiotherapy services and there will no out of pocket expense.

  1. Valid claim number from your insurance company required
  2. Approval letter or email for Physiotherapy from the insurance company
  3. Contact Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta. We will assist you with pain management and get you back on track as soon as possible.

Contact Us:

For more information on how we can further assist you after you have had a car accident, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, DVA and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

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Car Accident Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy After A Car Accident

Ergonomic Chairs

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims

Home Care Physiotherapy

NDIS Physio Parramatta

Ergonomic Chairs

Workplace Injury and Rehabilitation

Workplace Accidents

Work injury Treatment

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NDIS Physiotherapy Treatment

Experts in Motor Vehicle Accident Rehab

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150 – Experts in Motor Vehicle Accident Rehab.

CTP Rehabilitation Services

Compulsory Third Party (CTP) also known as green slip insurance covers you for Physiotherapy treatment and other benefits in case of a motor vehicle accident. Motor vehicle accidents can be a major disruption to your life and we offer rehabilitation support through your CTP claim to help you overcome this hurdle. Not only do we provide hands on Physiotherapy treatment, we can also direct you to other professionals who will assist you with other aspects of your rehab journey including medical, specialist reviews, psychological and legal input.

Our team of experienced Physiotherapists will assist you to return to your pre-accident level of health and quality of life. We deliver a holistic and patient focused treatment model ensuring we are meeting your goals. Whether it is linking you to treatment services, supporting return to work, helping your home life, or just someone to guide your recovery, we are here to help you.

How we can assist you:

  • Collaboration with professionals to help design and implement activities to promote early return to work when medically able
  • Supporting and motivating the injured individual to become active
  • Early health education as a motivating tool for injured person
  • Communicating with health professionals and employers

What you should do after a motor vehicle accident:

  • Visit your doctor as soon as possible after your motor vehicle accident
  • Contact your CTP insurance provider within 28 days
  • Fill our paper work provided by your CTP insurer
  • Receive claim number from your CTP insurance provider
  • Provide claim number to your Physiotherapist

Experts in CTP Physio Rehab
Experts in CTP Physio Rehab

Common Symptoms treated by Physiotherapy:

  • Whiplash
  • Neck pain and Headaches
  • Muscle strain and reduced range of motion
  • Lower back pain
  • Knee pain
  • Chest pain

Do I have to pay for treatment?

If you have a claim number, we will bill the insurer directly for Physiotherapy services and there will no out of pocket expense.

  1. Valid claim number from your insurance company required
  2. Approval letter or email for Physiotherapy from the insurance company
  3. Contact Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta. We will assist you with pain management and get you back on track as soon as possible.

Contact Us:

For more information on how we can further assist you after you have had a car accident, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, DVA and Work Cover approved, specializing in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Physiotherapist in Parramatta
Physiotherapist in Parramatta

Pre-Employment Assessment Parramatta

Pre-Employment Assessment Parramatta

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Pre Employment Assessment at Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

What does a pre-employment assessment include?

The main components include the potential employee’s medical history, customised physical examination, job-specific functional capacity assessments and other tests based on the job applied for.

Medical Questionnaire Review

Medical questionnaires help determine whether a candidate is healthy enough to perform the inherent requirements of a given job. This questionnaire is filled out by the potential employee and reviewed by the assessor. The questionnaire is tailored to enquire only about physical and medical information that is specifically and directly related to the job applied for.

Potential employees are asked questions relating to their work history, previous injuries, medical history, including exposure to chemicals, hazardous substances and work-related injuries. The questionnaires may vary depending on the job.

General Physiological Tests

General medical examinations involve a range of checks and tests that help give employers a general overview of a candidate’s health status and help detect disease or risk factors early. Tests include blood pressure, heart rate, body weight, height and BMI.

Functional assessment

Functional assessments are designed to assess the potential employee’s ability to carry out the physical requirements of a job role. Assessors will test the following:

1. Musculoskeletal Joint Range of Motion

The range of motion is a measurement of how far an individual can move and bend their joints. During a pre-employment, candidates are asked to perform a series of movements, including bending and straightening the knee, shoulder and hip joints, with the assessor monitoring the range of motion and any associated symptoms.

2. Anatomical Joint Integrity

The condition of our body joints affects our ability to perform physical activities. Many different issues can diminish joint integrity. Increased stiffness or muscle tightness can also have an affect on the individual’s joints which can cause restricted mobility and reduced functional capacity.

3. Strength and Balance

Strength and balance are an important part of a pre-employment assessment.  During a typical strength test, candidates may be asked to push against resistance or lift/push their arms against downward pressure.

4. Back flexibility and abdominal endurance

Back flexibility and abdominal endurance contribute greatly to the stability of the spinal column and, as a result – injury prevention. Examiners assess the ability of potential employees to assume the correct position when performing tasks.

5. Postural Tolerances

Postural tolerance assessments determine the ability to maintain certain postures intrinsic to a task. These can include standing, sitting and neck postures. If a potential employee cannot hold all or some of the postures, they may be unable to perform the job safely.

6. Lifting

Depending on the job description, part of the pre employment test will focus on lifting different weights in different positions. This can include lifting 5 – 20 Kg from floor to waist level, waist to shoulder height and above shoulder height. This can be varied and entirely depends on the job at hand.

7. Grip Strength

Hand-grip strength is a limiting factor when manually lifting and carrying loads. Lifting assessments consider the grip strength of potential employees and involves the measurement of how much weight one can safely lift and carry at varying heights (floor, waist, and shoulder).

7. Push/Pull tolerances

The assessment considers the load weight, the distance and frequency of the pull/push tasks. Employees should be able to initiate and keep the load in motion without exposing themselves to the risk of injury.

A pre-employment assessment can help you reduce your organisation’s onboarding time and expenses. Most importantly, it ensures employee safety by helping you select individuals able to perform their tasks without undue risk of injury to themselves or others.

At Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta, our team is dedicated to providing accurate pre-employment assessments for a range of industries. Our assessors are suitably qualified and can administer all components of pre-employment assessments. Our services are available in Parramatta and we can also do site visits. For more information about our services contact us.

Pre Employment Assessment Step Test
Pre Employment Assessment Step Test

Pre Employment Assessment Sustained Posture Test
Pre Employment Assessment Sustained Posture Test (Squat Test)

Pre Employment Assessment Muscle Flexibility Test
Pre Employment Assessment Calf Muscle Flexibility Test

Fracture Treatment

Fracture Treatment

Physio, Parramatta, Scan, Lower back
Physio, Parramatta, Scan, Lower back

What is a fracture?

Fractures are broken bones. The severity of a fracture usually depends on many factors such as the trauma involved, how you fell etc. Fractures may be caused by a traumatic incident, repetitive stress, or can be genetic. Falls, motor vehicle accidents, or trauma from sports can all result in fractures. A stress fracture usually occurs when muscles become fatigued and are unable to absorb shock. Eventually, the fatigued muscle transfers the excess stress to the bone, causing a tiny fracture called a stress fracture. Some medical conditions, such as osteoporosis, cause our bones to weaken and increase your risk of fracture. An osteoporotic fracture is an example of a pathological fracture.

Issues with a fracture

Most fractures (broken bones) will heal into the new strong bone from approximately 6-weeks. But that is only one of the problems which occur with a broken bone. A fracture requires a lot of external force to break the bone. When you have enough stress placed through your body to fracture a bone, there’s usually a lot of other damaged soft tissues and structures around the bone. To allow bone healing to take place, the area is normally compressed with plaster or a cast which causes further stiffness once the cast is removed 6 weeks later. This causes joint stiffness and considerable muscle weakness.

Physiotherapy Management of Fractures

Physiotherapists can assist in management and rehabilitation of fractures. Your Physiotherapist will work closely with your GP and Ortho Specialist to better guide management.If you have sustained a fracture, it is critical you contact a Physiotherapist early to optimise healing and facilitate return to normal function.

Physiotherapy can assist your fracture healing by:

  • Muscle Assessment: Following injury, muscles surrounding the fracture site weaken. It is critical that a safe exercise program is prescribed and progressed under the supervision of a physiotherapist to restore strength and prevent secondary complications.
  • Joint Mobilisation: Joint stiffness often occurs when a limb is not allowed to move for several weeks. Physiotherapists are trained in techniques that can improve and restore range of movement of the affected joints once the fracture has healed.
  • Heat and Electrotherapy: It is very common for stiffness within soft tissues to occur following immobilisation. Heat and Electrotherapy have been shown as useful adjuncts to manual treatment and exercise therapy in relieving pain and restoring muscle length.
  • Gait Education: If your fracture requires the use of gait aids, such as crutches, your physiotherapist can prescribe you with the most appropriate equipment and way of walking that promotes optimal healing and safety.

Physiotherapist can also assist by providing crucial aids to assist you during the fracture healing process.

Get in touch with us today!

Ankle X-ray
Ankle X-ray

Knee Fracture Rehab
Knee Fracture Rehab

Index Finger Fracture
Index Finger Fracture

5th Meta Tarsal Head Fracture
5th Meta Tarsal Head Fracture

Post Fracture Rehabilitation

Post Fracture Rehabilitation

Physio, Parramatta, Scan, Lower back
Physio, Parramatta, Scan, Lower back

What is a fracture?

Fractures are broken bones. The severity of a fracture usually depends on many factors such as the trauma involved, how you fell etc. Fractures may be caused by a traumatic incident, repetitive stress, or can be genetic. Falls, motor vehicle accidents, or trauma from sports can all result in fractures. A stress fracture usually occurs when muscles become fatigued and are unable to absorb shock. Eventually, the fatigued muscle transfers the excess stress to the bone, causing a tiny fracture called a stress fracture. Some medical conditions, such as osteoporosis, cause our bones to weaken and increase your risk of fracture. An osteoporotic fracture is an example of a pathological fracture.

Issues with a fracture

Most fractures (broken bones) will heal into the new strong bone from approximately 6-weeks. But that is only one of the problems which occur with a broken bone. A fracture requires a lot of external force to break the bone. When you have enough stress placed through your body to fracture a bone, there’s usually a lot of other damaged soft tissues and structures around the bone. To allow bone healing to take place, the area is normally compressed with plaster or a cast which causes further stiffness once the cast is removed 6 weeks later. This causes joint stiffness and considerable muscle weakness.

Physiotherapy Management of Fractures

Physiotherapists can assist in management and rehabilitation of fractures. Your Physiotherapist will work closely with your GP and Ortho Specialist to better guide management.If you have sustained a fracture, it is critical you contact a Physiotherapist early to optimise healing and facilitate return to normal function.

Physiotherapy can assist your fracture healing by:

  • Muscle Assessment: Following injury, muscles surrounding the fracture site weaken. It is critical that a safe exercise program is prescribed and progressed under the supervision of a physiotherapist to restore strength and prevent secondary complications.
  • Joint Mobilisation: Joint stiffness often occurs when a limb is not allowed to move for several weeks. Physiotherapists are trained in techniques that can improve and restore range of movement of the affected joints once the fracture has healed.
  • Heat and Electrotherapy: It is very common for stiffness within soft tissues to occur following immobilisation. Heat and Electrotherapy have been shown as useful adjuncts to manual treatment and exercise therapy in relieving pain and restoring muscle length.
  • Gait Education: If your fracture requires the use of gait aids, such as crutches, your physiotherapist can prescribe you with the most appropriate equipment and way of walking that promotes optimal healing and safety.

Physiotherapist can also assist by providing crucial aids to assist you during the fracture healing process.

Get in touch with us today!


Heel Pain: Plantar Fasciitis

Heel Pain: Plantar Fasciitis

Do you struggle taking the first few steps in the morning?
Can’t stand on your foot for too long?
You have pain in your arch or heel?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above you may be suffering from a condition called Plantar Fasciitis. You can ice as much as you want, you can change the insoles in your shoes and you can rest as much as you like. The end result is always temporary pain relief.

What is the Plantar Fascia?

The plantar fascia is the part of your foot which touches the ground when you stand. It’s an arch which runs the heel bone to the ball of the foot. The plantar fascia is not a muscle but rather a piece of fibrous tissue that functions to support the arch of the foot.

Do you have Plantar Fasciitis?

A qualified Physiotherapist can correctly diagnose your condition. However, if you have Plantar Fasciitis, you can expect to have some or all of these symptoms:

  • Pain upon waking up
  • Pain on first few steps
  • Pain in the heel
  • Pain at rest, less pain during activity and return with rest
  • Reduced ability to stand on feet due to pain

Factors contributing to Plantar Fasciitis:

  • Age: Plantar Fasciitis is most commonly seen in the adult to elderly population. Increases in prevalence between the ages of 40 and 70. However this is not to say that younger individuals will not get it. Individuals who are inactive and quickly become over active can also develop this condition.
  • Obesity/Weight Gain: Carrying excess body weight or rapidly gaining weight adds considerable load onto the plantar fascia. This can be enough to cause an overload and thus pain.
  • Biomechanical Factors: These are largely out of your control however increased pronation (commonly termed overpronation) causes increased stress on the fascia and its insertion. On the contrary, a very high arch (pes cavus) has also been associated with this condition. Additionally, tightness of the muscles in and around the foot may also contribute to overloading the plantar fascia.
  • Changes in activity: A sudden change in activity, especially those that involve increased weight bearing is strongly correlated to the development of this condition. This could be a seemingly small change such as going from sedentary and working at a desk to walking 3 times per week for 20 minutes. On the opposite end of the scale going from running 3 times per week to running 4-5 times per week could also incite the condition.
  • Footwear: Poorly fitting footwear or shoes that do not have adequate arch support for your foot type may predispose you to the development of this condition.

If you require further guidance on how to manage your symptoms, get in touch with us today.

Could your posture be the cause of your pain?

Posture Physio Parramatta
Posture Physio Parramatta

When it comes to chronic pain and posture (and what causes chronic pain), it can be thought of in the same way as that of the chicken and the egg. Does the prolonged posture lead to chronic pain, or is the posture simply a by-product of the pain? This is where a physiotherapist can come in and help assess the underlying issues leading to chronic pain, and posture is a great place to start!

Posture for a very long time was thought of as this one size fits all approach with either a correct or incorrect posture. As we are now learning, posture should be considered as part of a continuum with certain ranges more ideal than others rather than an extremely individual position being good. This reflects the body’s joints have an ideal range of motion and provided we are not on the extremes of the continuum, we can consider it a safe or ideal position.

The idea of only having one specific type of posture is quite naïve based on the extreme amount of variability there is in humans. With so much DNA coding required during development, it makes sense that everyone has different expressions of height, arm length, leg length and even within the individual, it’s not uncommon to have asymmetrical body parts (one foot slightly shorter than the other). So it makes sense that these differences in body parts are reflected in slightly different postures.

The final piece of the puzzle when understanding posture is the idea that ‘the best posture is your next posture’. Although we have established that each individual will have an ideal range of posture, it certainly doesn’t mean once you find that position, you don’t change. In fact, it’s the opposite. Frequently changing your posture in slight ways is a great method to avoid fatiguing muscles and overloading certain structures. This could be as simple as going from a sitting to a standing position at work and breaking up those long bouts of sitting!

If you would like to learn more about posture and what causes chronic pain, or would like to have your own posture assessed, book an appointment to see one of our physiotherapists here in Newmarket. With a wealth of knowledge and a friendly smile, we will happily get you back on track.

Do you suffer from hand or wrist pain

Do you suffer from hand or wrist pain?

Do you suffer from hand or wrist pain? Whether you’re catching or throwing a ball, standing on your hands, lifting heavy weights, or working at a computer, everybody uses their hands and wrists in their day-to-day life.

Due to the complex and multitude of structures in the wrist, it can often be difficult to determine the exact cause of your wrist pain. However, a better understanding of what is causing pain in your hand and wrist can give you a better idea of what needs to be done to manage your pain.

Types of Injuries:


Fractures usually happen after falling over and landing on the hand, during high impact sports, or during a car or motorbike accidents. Fractures are usually found in the lower forearm bones or the small wrist bones. This type of injury is normally accompanied by swelling, bruising, tenderness, and great difficulty moving the wrist. It’s important that broken wrists are treated as soon as possible so that bones heal properly and there are no permanent problems.


A sprain commonly involves a ligament injury. Ligament are soft tissues which hold bones together. This can happen after a traumatic event such as a fall, finger dislocation, or jarring a finger. Symptoms of ligament injuries vary from person to person but it is usually accompanied by swelling, bruising, clicking sensation, loss of grip strength, a snapping or popping sensation, or pain when twisting your wrist.


There are different types of arthritis that can affect your wrist and fingers. Osteo-arthritis (OA) is an age related symptom and is not necessarily the source of symtoms. We all have a varying degree of OA depending on our age. The three most common types of arthritis that affect the wrist are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis. In the age where the majority of people are using hand-held devices and with the increase in number of office workers, the prevalence of hand and wrist osteoarthritis is becoming greater and greater. The most common symptom that suggests the presence of arthritis is swelling and a deformity of the hand. Other symptoms include tenderness, redness, warmth, and stiffness.

Muscle overuse:

People who are involved in repetitive jobs involving their hands through the day are most susceptible to suffering overuse injuries. This can range from office workers who are constantly typing and using pens, construction workers who are continuously hammering and lifting objects, and even mothers who are constantly picking up their newborn babies. Prolonged periods of high load or stress on the muscles and tendons can cause them to become irritated and inflamed and cause changes to the structure. Common symptoms of overuse problems include pain, tenderness, and decreased strength.

Nerve pain:

There are multiple nerves which provide muscle strength and sensation to the hand and nerves. When injured, these can cause pain, sensory changes and weakness. Nerves can be injured from trauma such as being cut, crushed, or overstretched but can also be injured from prolonged periods of pressure, especially in office workers who are pressing against their nerves when they are typing all day. When the nerves are injured, they are unable to deliver messages properly to the hand resulting in burning or freezing sensation, pins and needles, numbness, decreased strength, un-coordinated movement, and reduced ability to feel sensations or surfaces.

Contact Us:

For more information on how we can further assist you, please call our clinic number on 0479 080 800  or send us an email on [email protected] for further details. Our Physiotherapists are Medicare, NDIS, DVA and Work Cover approved, specialising in injury management and rehabilitation to get you back on track.

Physio Parramatta: Reasons to Visit a Registered Physiotherapist

Physio Parramatta: Reasons to Visit a Registered Physiotherapist

Physiotherapist in Parramatta
Our team of expert Physiotherapists are proud to deliver comprehensive Physiotherapy care and rehabilitative therapies that help solve your pain issues

Physiotherapy Treatment for Parramatta Locals

People think that you only need to visit a Physiotherapist if you have a serious injury or mobility issues. Physiotherapists are first contact practitioners, you do not need a referral from your doctor before seeing us. Any one who who feels acute or chronic pain, stiffness, sports injury, work injury, car accident and more recently, working from home should consult a Physiotherapist.

Pain is the body’s way of calling our attention. While not every pain requires you to rush to a Physiotherapist, acute and chronic pain may need to be evaluated by a registered Physiotherapist to determine the underlying condition. For inquiries, call 0479 080 800 or make a booking online today!

Do you need Physiotherapy treatment:

1. Do you experience repetitive pain?

When you do some strenuous work, it is normal to experience neck pain or back pain. This type of pain will usually go away after a day or two. But if some part of your body is suffering from pain that does not go away, or comes and goes, it is time to consult a Physiotherapist. A registered Physiotherapist will be able to create a program that can help manage and treat your chronic pain.

Consult a Physiotherapist in Parramatta:

Don’t let yourself suffer from lingering pain and mobility issues. Consult a Physiotherapist today. Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta aims to deliver the highest quality Physiotherapy services in Parramatta and surrounding suburbs. Our Physiotherapists use a systematic approach in investigating your injury and determining the underlying condition of your pain. We also use the latest treatment protocols and personalise them depending on your situation.

With our proud history of managing people’s pain and improving their fitness, you are guaranteed to feel better after your consultation. Our Physiotherapy services include services for Sports injuries, Corporate health, pre & post-surgical physiotherapy, work injury, motor vehicle accidents and NDIS.

Contact us today on 0479 080 800 or book online!
We are located walking distance from Parramatta station.