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Work Place Injury Rehabilitation (WorkCover Claims)

Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150
Physiotherapy Professionals Parramatta 12 Ada Street Harris Park NSW 2150

Work Place Injury Rehabilitation (WorkCover Claims)

We offer specialised treatment and rehabilitation for workplace injuries. As an injured worker, what can you do for yourself? If you have suffered an injury at work and you have injured yourself while doing your duties, you need to report this incident to your manager. You will need to:

  1. Complete an injury incident form at work
  2. See your General Practitioner and describe the incident and the injury.
  3. Lodge paperwork given by your GP to WorkCover
  4. Start Physiotherapy and return to work as soon as possible

If the injury is musculoskeletal in nature (sprains and strains and repetitive use injury), and your symptom is persisting, your company will need to report your injury to WorkCover. Your GP can also do this. Once this has been done, WorkCover will issue you with a claim number.

You will need to bring two details before starting your Physiotherapy treatment:

  1. Your allocated claim number

  2. Any medical information, scan results / GP referral referring to your injury

This process is generally quite easy and straightforward. Workers of any status will be eligible for workers compensation cover.

Common misconceptions for WorkCover claims:

We have cases where eligible injured workers did not receive treatment because they thought:

  • That reporting an injury incident involves lots of paperwork.

  • Reporting an incident will cause economic liabilities to their company.

  • Being non-resident/non-citizen of Australia disqualifies them from coverage.

  • The company’s human resources and management team questions their work capability.

  • Their prospect for future work opportunities may be compromised.

  • They will loose their job if they lodge a WorkCover claim


The above concerns are understandable. It often doesn’t help when your colleagues or managers do not inform you with the correct information. The WorkCover system is designed to provide you with the treatment you require to get you back to work. It is not designed to penalise you because you had an injury at work. Physiotherapy is an important part of your recover and we also work closely with your doctors, as well as your company, to ensure your safe and durable return to work.

Start your recovery:

If you have recently been injured at work and needed advice on how to commence your rehabilitation process, give us a call on 0479 080 800 or send us an email on [email protected] and speak to one of our experienced Physiotherapists.

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