Who Should You See After a Car Accident?
In Australia, before receiving Physiotherapy Treatment For Car Accident Injuries you must see a GP (doctor) after your motor vehicle accident to start the compulsory third party – CTP claims process. All medical expenses and any out of pocket expenses such as lost wages, medical expenses, medications and scans are all covered under CTP insurance scheme.
Who do you see next? – a Physiotherapist.
In order to understand whether Physiotherapy treatments are better for you, it’s important to know what Physiotherapists do.
Physiotherapists diagnose and treat mechanical disorders in the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapists focus on providing treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, helping you minimise pain without the use of multiple scans, medications or un necessary trips to the doctors.
After a car accident, you’re in pain and in shock. You’re most likely also receiving a great deal of advice from well-intentioned friends, family, and colleagues. That advice is probably also conflicting. “See a Chiropractor!” “Don’t see a Chiropractor – you need Physiotherapy!” What should you do?
For a start, listen to their recommendations and assess them according to what’s in your best interest. Also, unless these people have been in your situation, they might not know exactly what the right thing for you is. Bear in mind that going to a Physiotherapist might result in faster care. You’ll need to see your GP first regardless to ensure you haven’t seriously injured yourself from a motor vehicle accident.
A Physiotherapist is trained to provide you with personalised care after your motor vehicle accident. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Your Physiotherapist will examine you carefully to determine what your injuries are and their extent. In addition, Physiotherapist care is holistic in nature. That means that your Physiotherapist will look at your whole body, not just your back or neck. The treatment they prescribe helps you as a whole feel better now and in the future.
Thirdly, you should be aware that if left untreated or not treated properly, pain from whiplash or other injuries stemming from your car accident can last for years. There’s a better chance that a Physiotherapist can provide you with the follow-up care that you need so that you can heal and return to an active, healthy life and doing things that you love.
What If You’re Not in Pain after the Accident?
Let’s say that after your car accident, you’re not in any pain. You’re able to walk around, move your neck, stretch, even do jumping jacks. That doesn’t mean that you haven’t been injured. Within 24 hours, you might start to feel the effects of the accident. Even if you don’t feel any pain immediately after your car accident, don’t turn down a medical or Physiotherapy review. And you should most certainly see your Physiotherapist. They will examine you in detail and determine whether you’ve sustained an injury and how serious it is.